
Company profile & history

1) Company name Nihonkai Cutter Kogyo Co., Ltd.
2)  Foundation and history April 1st, 1987 ...... Nihonkai Cutter industry
August 20th, 1990...... Established Nihonkai Cutter industry Co.,Ltd.i3,000 thousand Yen in capital.j
September 28th, 1990...... No 9,804th, Governor of Toyama permission (General -2)( Construction assistant   / Construction worker )
June 1st, 1992......  Move of headquarter (Nomura 892)
June 16th, 1994...... Established the Nikkai Security Company, Security Department. Authorized by Toyama public safety commissioner, No 42th.
September 29th, 1995...... Change of the capital(10,000 thousand Yen in capital )
December 25th, 1995...... Move of headquarter (Nomura 1589-1)
February 1st, 2005...... Established construction machinery sales / repair department
March 30st, 2005...... Acquired ISO9001, 2000
3) Description of business Paved road side cutting construction, Core Drilling , Heating joint  injection, Ring cutter, Crack injection,  Anchor construction, Dry Grooving, wall sawing , wire sawing.
Security service, construction machinery sales / repair
4)Location yMain officez §933-0014
Nomura 1589-1, Takaoka-City, Toyama
TELF 0766-26-1200
FAXF 0766-26-2526
yToyama Branchz §939-8272
1, 9-20 Taromaru, Toyama-City , Toyama
TELF 076-422-2252
ySecurity Department / Nikkai Security Companyz §933-0014
Nomura 1589-1, Takaoka-City , Toyama
TELF 0766-26-5006
FAXF 0766-26-5007
yConstruction machine sales / repair departmentz §933-0014
Nomura 1589-1, Takaoka-City , Toyama
TELF 0766-26-1561
FAXF 0766-26-2526
™ Qualification EConcrete @Cutting, Perforation engineer
EAnchor engineer for secondary work
EThe first grade engineering works management engineer
EThe second grade engineering works management engineer
ESupervisor completed for Safety & Health education@
EChief of education for guard training
EThe second grade traffic control guard
ESupervisor completed for Safety & Health education@